Dental Bonding Near You
Dental bonding is a cosmetic procedure that uses composite resin material to enhance the look of your smile by fixing any imperfections. The resin material is that it is used for dental bonding can be customized in color and application to match your natural tooth shade.
Interested in Receiving Dental Bonding in Scarborough?
Although dental bonding is a more straightforward cosmetic procedure than porcelain filler or veneer, dental bonding can still fix the same imperfections. The following are problems that can be addressed by receiving dental bonding in Scarborough:
- Tooth discoloration: Dental bonding can mask stains caused by food, drinks, or aging.
- Tooth decay: Dental bonding can fill small holes that are caused by decay.
- Chipped or broken teeth: When a broken or chipped tooth is not repaired, it can increase tooth decay chances.
- Tooth erosion: Enamel that is eroded can be replaced by the resin, preventing further erosion.
- Gaps: Spaces between teeth can be filled using dental bonding
What to Expect
The procedure for dental bonding is quick and non-invasive:
- A paste-like composite resin material is applied to your teeth
- The paste is formed into the desired shape
- A special light is used to cure and harden the resin
- Your dentist makes any final adjustments to ensure they appear clean and natural.
To ensure dental bonding longevity, it is essential to brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and floss daily. It is also recommended that you reduce the amounts of sweets and starchy food consumed. Lastly, it is crucial to visit the dentist four times a year to receive a routine checkup and cleaning. If properly maintained, your dental bonding can last up to fifteen years. If you are interested in receiving dental bonding in Scarborough, contact our dental clinic today to request a consultation. At Vista Dental, we are happy to provide dental bonding near you!